
Veg Kon Lou Sweet Potato Noodles


冷水泡制方法 Cool Water Prepare Method
1) 将面和酱料放入碗中. Put noodles and sauce in a bowl
2) 注入450ml冷水. Pour in 450ml of cool water
3) 煮沸后,焖5分钟至面软. After the water is boiled, stew for another 5 minutes until soft
4) 完成! 食物准备好了. Food is ready to serve

滚水泡制方法 Boiling Water Prepare Method
1) 将面和酱料放入碗中. Put noodles and sauce in a bowl
2) 注入450ml滚水. Pour in 450ml of boiling water
3) 盖上盖子焖5分钟至面软. Cover and stew for 5 minutes until soft
4) 完成! 食物准备好了. Food is ready to serve



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Veg Kon Lou Sweet Potato Noodles”

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